Today is all about the wonderful couples I have had the pleasure to shoot in the last few weeks. They have all been amazing and I could not ask for better people to have in my life. Each of them are so different and unique, it was so fun to spend my days with all of them.
First we have Melissa and Marc :) Melissa Camp goes to Hallmark and is the most beautiful, amazing, fashion forward girl. She is so sweet and her and Marc were recently engaged! They are truly adorable and have the type of personalities that is just infectious and fun to be around. Caiti and I took them to Thomas Memorial Golf Course (where I work) and we spend the morning shooting in the amazingly warm weather we had that day. Thank you so much Melissa and Marc, you both are amazing and I love you and wish you the most amazing future! Here are just a few images from the shoot...

Next is my brother Jayson and his beautiful wife Laura. I had Laura come into the studio to shoot her for a high key assignment and ended up taking some pictures of the two of them so they could have some. I ended up loving the images and had to use them for my assignment. There were literally a hundred images I loved but here are just a few of them. Thank you both for coming in :)

And lastly but of course not least we have Tj and his wonderful girlfriend Nicole. Love them both dearly :) Caiti and I took them to the old NMH campus to shoot. The location had a lot of snow still but we made the best of it. Thank you both so much for being willing to do whatever Caiti and I asked you to do! Here are just a few...and I promise the last ones of this post :)