Hey everyone!
So today was an amazingly inspiring day! Justin and Mary came to speak at Hallmark and it totally made me fall even more in love with them. Check out there website because they are SO amazing and totally down to earth. It is mind blowing how much I learned from them today. I pretty much decided I am getting married asap and they are shooting my wedding because I need to be best friends with them! (Although I should probably find a guy first) They have such a great way of looking at business and their images are sooo great which tops it off!
(my linking won't work for some reason...sorrry!)
Justin and Mary are shooting Melissa Camps wedding. Melissa is a classmate, friend, amazingly beautiful model and a great photographer! I cannot wait to see the images that come from her and Marc's wedding :) (be sure to look Melissa Camp up on facebook and check out some of her albums of work, she is greatttt)
My posts have been kind of all over the place lately but I am trying to get back in order with my shoots. This past weekend I got a chance to photograph two gorgeous seniors at my local high school. (Chelsey and Meghan) They were adorable and it was great to be able to spend a little bit of time with both of them.
Caiti and I of course shot this shoot together and the clouds were inspiring Caiti so I need to do a little shout out by this picture she took on our way to the shoot...

Check out Caiti's website. She is amazing and I am so inspired by her work. She is my other half in the photo world and I have NO idea what will become of us when we are separated in June...Anywhooo look at http://caitibarr.com/ (again link won't work so put a little effort in here and copy and paste it into a new tab.) After you finish reading my post of course :)
I fill follow that picture up with one I took at our beautiful location, which is obviously a field!

I also did a shoot with two of my friends Lauryn and Nicole. I don't get to spend too much time with my friends these days (sadly) so to have them in my environment and be able to still see them is so great! It was more of a "for fun" shoot, which made it so easy to relax myself and them. It was great to not have an agenda or a plan and just go out there and take pictures. I am starting to miss the days when I used to just come up with an idea, location, or have no idea at all and just go shoot for myself. Hopefully those days will come back after my portfolio has been submitted.
All of this weeks images will be posted very soon :)
As for more images...here are some of a beautiful UMASS dancer, Andria. She was so helpful to me and is super gorgeous. I don't have many pictures to show because I went in with one idea for the shot I wanted to turn in but there are also two others that I took prior to the studio shoot that I liked...