So this weekend I was graced with the presence of Amber! She is one of my best friends and is the only one from Ma to make the journey to Maine to see me. (Boo to the rest of you) This weekend I finally dusted off my camera and shot. I tried to just act like any other Maine tourist and just shoot without coming up with excuses on why I couldn't. I can't say I have aquired any award winning photographs this weekend, or even photographs that I am in love with but I did have a great weekend with Amber and it was good to hold my beautiful black 5d Mark II in my hands :)

The weekend started off with showing Amber around Rockland, Rockport and Camden. After that we went on a search to find lighthouses. After driving in circles and entering the same state park numerous times we decided it was time to google where on earth we could find a light house. We pulled into Owls Head Light State Park and were thrilled to find a sign pointing to a light house! We made a little trek through the woods and came out in a little clearing where we found a beautiful white light house sitting on top of a little hill. We explored for awhile then attempted to head back into town.

On our way to the lighthouse
After a 45 min long journey (that was only suppose to take 10 min) we made it back into Rockland. Amber and I headed down to the harbor to see the world largest lobster and to sit by the dock.

Largest Lobster!
It was an AMAZING day weather wise. Thankfully Amber brought the heat with her :) after a long day we headed back to Jason's to nap and get ready to go out to dinner...
Sunday morning came and Amber and I were on another hut to find a lighthouse. First though we went in search of wild Maine blueberries! We pulled into a bumpy dirt road and parked Jane (my Jetta) on the side. We assumed we would walk for a few minutes and end up in a field full of blueberries. We did end up in a field full of blueberries but not without walking a mile or two to get there.

After the trek down the hill we made it back to the car and on our way to lighthouse numero 2. Again it was like a mile long walk to the lighthouse but it was so worth it with the amazing amount of sailboats that were around.
Sadly I had to head to work after finding this lighthouse so our day was over but it was a really relaxing yet exciting weekend.
We now have matching boat shoes!
This week Jason and I have Joyce Tenneson in the studio. She is already fantastic and it looks to be like we will be having a great week with her :) I will blog our wonderful experience next week!!
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